
Beat Saber

Do you want to get a kick ass arm workout? Do you also want to look like a total fool while doing it? This is the game for you. I would highly recommend that you also download BeatSaver which allows you to use custom beat maps and make your own tracks.



Basically VR Counter Strike. It's a pretty good time, and if you have access to VR you should check it out.

Video Games



It's Counter Strike... If you don't know what this is you might have seriously missed out on the 2000's.


Doom (Series)

Shoot some demons. Rip and Tear. Fight Like Hell.


Halo (CE - Reach)

The Bungie Halo's are amazing, and should be used as examples for all sandbox based FPS games. The way that the weapons all have distinct purposes and unique feels.


Rainbow 6 Siege

This is one of my go to competitive shooters. Pretty chill, be sure to not take the chat to seriously.


Star Wars KotOR

Knights of the Old Republic is one of the best RPG's ever made. Back when being a BioWare game meant something and when Pandemic existed as a studio we got an awesome, real time/turn based RPG game set in the era before the republic as we ever see it in the films.

Table Top


7 Wonders

A drafting game where you build up an ancient civilization with a great wonder of the world. You have to amass resources, build ancient structures, and add value to your civilization. A fun game that you need to focus on playing to win, but can be played in a more relaxed style.


Exploding Kittens

A game made by The Oatmeal artist Matthew Inman where the goal is to be the last man standing. There are different types of cards in the deck; most importantly you don't want to draw an exploding kitten, especially if you don't have a diffuse card.


Love Letter

A very chill 2-4 player game in the Tempest series where each player is hoping to either be the last one standing or have the card with the highest score when the deck is emptied. This is a good chilling with friends having a beer game.


Settlers of Catan

This classic from Klaus Teuber is a game of resources, strategy, and luck. You play to gather Ore, Sheep, Wheat, Wool, and Wood.


Ticket to Ride

A very chill game where strategy and risk has to be balanced with push your luck mechanics. Just be sure to let the next player know it is their turn or you might be sitting there a while.